Полное руководство по PINCO CASINO

Полное руководство по pinco casino

Полное руководство по pinco casino

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The player from Germany is struggling to complete the KYC. The casino required proof of address, but those provided by the player haven’t been accepted. The issue was successfully resolved, the player received his funds.

Жалобы в основном связаны с блокировкой аккаунта или урезанными лимитами – БК не церемонится с теми, кого подозревает в нечестной игре.

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Фрибеты без усилий например. Иногда букмекер раздает фрибеты всем желающим – шутя заходите в раздел бонуса как и забираете его.

The player from Portugal faced repeated rejections for withdrawal requests over the past week despite having completed and accepted account verification.

This casino forbids certain betting patterns or strategies when playing with bonus funds, but we have not witnessed this rule being used against players yet.

Sorry to hear about this situation. Can you pls send us an email to [email protected] with the subject "CasinoGuru Review"? Try to tell us more details and your account email.

The player from Brazil had requested assistance to close his account as the casino's support team hadn't responded to his emails. After the Complaints Team had explained the difference between account closure and self-exclusion and asked the player to provide more details, the player had managed to close his account with the casino. Consequently, the issue had been marked as resolved by the Complaints Team.

The player's withdrawal is delayed for almost a week. The complaint was resolved as the player received his money.

Вторая жалоба связана с коэффициентами, которые отдельным игрокам внезапно режут под корень – попутно отключая для таких игроков все бонусы.

The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties cashing out from the casino. The casino responded and provided evidence that the withdrawal had since been made successfully.

No player complaints or very low value of withheld winnings in complaints in relation to the casino's size

The player from the Czech Republic had requested a withdrawal four weeks ago after successfully passing verification. Despite multiple inquiries via email and live chat, the casino had not processed the withdrawal and it had remained in pending status. The player had confirmed that he had used a match bonus, but there was no bonus money left in his account.

The player from Germany was experiencing difficulties obtaining клик her tournament winnings. According to the casino's terms, the prizes should be awarded automatically each week at the end of the tournament.

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